Courses @ Marthoma

B.Sc Mathematics


Mathematics was a subject of study in this college right from its inception in 1981 It was started with Pre degree of 80 students. In 1993 B.Sc Physics and in 1998 B.Sc chemistry was started with Mathematics as subsidiaries. A self financing degree course in mathematics was started on 2005


The university of Calicut has introduced Choice based credit semester system CCSS for U G programmes from 2009 admission onwards. The entire course of study and examinations be divided in to six semesters in a period of three years The department offers under graduate programme with Mathematics as the core subject and Statistics and Computer applications as complimentary.


At present there is only one permanent teacher and four guest lecturers working in this department. The details are as follows

Thomas Mathew M.Sc Associate Professor & HOD of Mathematics

Smt Divya P K M.Sc Guest lecturer, Mathematics

Smt Meena T P M.Sc Guest lecturer, Mathematics

Smt. Lasna T N M.Sc Guest lecturer, Statistics

Smt. Aswathy K. MSc Guest lecturer, Computer Applications

Strength {sanctioned,24 seats}

First yr. 2011-2014 21

Second yr 2010-2013 19

Third yr 2009-2012 21

Fee schedule

Year Tuition fee Special fee Misc.fee Caution deposit Total fee
First year 20000 1250 500 1000 23860
Second year 20000 1200 500 —— 21700
Third year 20000 1200 500 ——- 21700

Result Analysis

58% of the first batch (2005-2008) students were passed in the university examinations scoring individually more than 85% marks. Divya TK 93% was the topper For the second batch (2006-2009) there was 100% result in the university examination. Karthika (88%marks) was the topper. In 2007-2010, there were 19 students appeared for the final year examination. Five of them scored above 70% marks. Vijitha (79%) was the top scorer.Out of the 22 students of 2008-2011, 82% passed in the University Examination. Seven students got above 80% marks. Amitha Ashraf was the top scorer with 82% of marks.At present there are 21 students completed their fifth semester examination We are expecting 100% result.

Innovative practises

B.Sc Mathematics students have computer applications as one of their complementary subject.The Department and the selected mathematics students provides a service to give 100% computer literacy in the campus. A four hours package of basic computer knowledge by using the facilities of the Net Work Resource Centre will help the students.



Other Under Graduate Programmes

Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Science


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