Parent- Teacher Association (P.T.A)


Parent- Teacher Association (P.T.A)

Aims and objectives of the association shall be

(a) To promote good relationship among the members of the teaching staff, Students and guardians of the students.

(b) To create in its members a keen interest for the smooth working and
progress of the college and for maintaining good discipline and high
academic standards,

(c) To institute scholarships, prizes, medals etc. to benefit students showing a high proficiency in their studies.

(d) To provide sure amenities to the students of the college.



The principal and other members of the teaching staff and the parents/ guardians of all the students on the rolls of the college during a year are the member of the association.

Executive committee.

The administration of the association shall vest in an executive committee.

The committee shall consists of :-

1. President (Principal)

2. Vice President elected from among the parents/ guardians

3. A Secretary elected from among the teaching staff and a parent representative from each programme and four teaching staff members.

The term of the committee shall be for a period of one year. The PTA is very active in the college.It show the Interest in the development of facilities of the College by taking up developmental projects It has completed several significant projects in the campus. Major projects taken up by the PTA are

Sound system of the College - 2011-12

Ceiling of the Seminar Hall - 2012-13

Water harvesting project-1.5 Lakh litre capacity(2.5 Lakh rupees) 2010-11

Support for Maintenance of the greenery

Roof Tress work of Open air auditorium 2010-11

Fund to College Union/sports/medical aid/pump operation/examination/refreshment on onam/ x’ mas

Photostat machine

Computers/network to all depts./ library- before UGC Grants

Participation in the in the discipline of the College

ü Maintenance of Botanical garden & medicinal garden

ü 2 water coolers to students

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