Programmes: BSc Botany (Core) Programme with Zoology and Chemistry as Complimentary Courses. Year of starting: Pre Degree:1981, BSc Botany Degree:1999 Student Strength: 24 No.of Teachers with name and details: Permanent Staff: Mr.Ranji P Mathews MSc MPhil Associate Professor and Head of the Department Guest Lecturers: 1. Ms.Bincy K Jose MSc BEd 2. Ms.Littymol Varghese MSc BEd Lab Assistant: Mr.M G Simon Results of last TEN years Year Total Appeared First Class Second Class Third Class Failed Total Passed Percentage 2001-02 18 2 5 Nil 11 7 38.88 2002-03 20 11 2 Nil 7 13 65 2003-04 19 14 1 Nil 4 15 78.94 2004-05 21 14 4 Nil 3 18 85.71 2005-06 18 11 4 Nil 3 15 83.33 2006-07 18 11 4 Nil 3 15 83.33 2007-08 21 13 4 1 3 18 85.71 2008-09 21 12 5 1 3 18 85.71 2009-10 21 16 3 1 1 20 95 2010-11 19 10 5 Nil 4 15 78.94 Publications : Mycobiota and toxigenic Aspergillus flavus associated with developing cardamom and pepper by AMMEETA BANERJEE, RANJI P MATHEWS,H S PRAKASH and H S SHETTY,Department of studies in Applied Botany,University ofMysore,Mysore.570 006,India. Published in Mycol.Res.97 (11):1403-1406(1993) Printed inGreat Britain Extension/Research activities: 1.Projects and Seminars were conducted in collaboration with (i) Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI),Nilambur, (ii)Agricultural Farm ,Munderi (iii)Agricultural Farm,Muttikadavu (iv)TeakMuseum,Nilambur every year. 2. National Seminar on”Medicinal and Insecticidal Properties of Botanicals”was conduted on 28th &29th Nov.2008. Methods of teaching : Chalk& Talk,Charts,OHP,LCD etc Healthy Practices : (i)Welcome to newly admitted students in the department (ii)Farewell to out going students of the department (iii)Honouring the students for their excellent achievements in the university examinations,cultural & co-curricular activities. Other innovative practices : ( i) Display of Medicinal Plants (ii) Display of Articles related to plant sciences on Curiosity Corner Board
History of Dept Establishment 1981 with Pre Degree and 1993 with Degree Course - BSc Physics Faculty 1 Mr Thomas K George Associate Prof, HOD 2 Mrs Gigy Susan George Associate Prof 3 Mrs Susan Chacko Associate Prof 4 Dr Jayaprakash R Associate Prof Non teaching staff 1 Mr Alex P Mathew.Lab attender Curriculum Courses: BSc Physics Main Syllabus: CCSS with 30 hours of compulsory social work and a paper on environment studies Strength in 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Total 29 28 25 82 Results of previous years Year Appeared 1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class % of Pass Students above 90% Name of Topper Highest Mark 1993-96 11 3 3 - 54.5 - Manoj B 733 1994-97 12 8 1 1 83.3 - Nisha P D 799 1995-98 11 8 1 1 90.9 - Sibi Thomas 824 1996-99 19 12 1 3 84.2 1 Anija M(3rd rank) 956 1997-2000 19 10 4 2 84.2 1 Liz Kuriakose 928 1998-01 22 9 7 2 81.8 - Anisurahman A 852 1999-02 28 25 1 - 92.8 3 Shanila M 923 2000-03 25 22 2 1 100 1 Shinitha P V 926 2001-04 23 21 - 1 95.6 6 Naslim N 946 2002-05 28 20 3 1 85.7 3 Sabna M 949 2003-06 27 22 3 - 92.5 3 Hind N 939 2004-7 28 20 3 3 92.85 6 Anjusree G S 939 2005-8 25 18 4 - 88 5 Rohith M (2ndRank) 979 2006-9 29 21 1 - 74.0 1 Merly KA 905 2007-10 25 17 4 1 88 - Teesha Mathew 870 2008-11 24 14 5 1 83 - Neeethu Varghese 883 Method of teaching Teachers use OHP, LCD, charts, animation, CDs and models for taking classes Students Seminars are also conducted Seminars Students are sent to attend seminars at University and other colleges Assignments Assignments are a part of curriculum. Assignments books are provided by the Dept. Students use this for their assignments and test papers Parents meetings Parents of all the students are called to the Dept for a review of the results of internal examination .Dept keep a regular contact with the parents. Counseling and guidance Teachers give advice and guidance to students for their higher studies Counseled students whenever they are in need. Advice from Professional councilors are also sought Evaluation Conducts test papers regularly. Students are evaluated through assignments, seminars, and test papers. Internal mark register is maintained in the Dept. Prepares students for their Viva by asking questions regularly in the class. Physics Association Physics association activities started in July .Felicitated the outgoing batch and the toppers. Students attend seminars and competition at various colleges. Conducts classes, quiz competition, and debates regula Alumni qualified different exams till 2010 M.Sc M.Sc B.Ed MBA MCA B.Ed MA BD M.Ed M Tech 51 112 11 39 43 2 4 2 2 Students with PhD: 3 Feed back Collects feedback from all final year students and analyzed it and corrective measures are made. Alumni Alumni meetings are conducted regularly, at least once in a year Best practices in teaching learning and evaluation .Arrange felicitations to toppers in University Exams, welcome and farewell parties. In order to develop social awareness and general knowledge discussions, debates, quiz programmes are conducted. Power Quiz is conducted in association with KSEB Parents are asked to inform the absence of their wards to the Head of the Dept. Teachers keep in touch with the parents. All the students are divided into groups for the activities. Dept has a Book Bank facility with nearly 360 books. Conducts model theory and practical exams. Remedial assistance and scholarships are given to deserving students from different sources Study tour Conducts tours to scientifically important places once in a year TOPPERS OF LAST THREE YEARS MERLY K A TEESHA MATHEW NEETHU VARGHESE 2009 2010 2011 ASSOCIATION SECRETARIES ANOOP T R NIDHEESH J MARTIN ASWIN T SIMON
DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS Mathematics was a subject of study in this college right from its inception in 1981 It was started with Pre degree of 80 students. In 1993 B.Sc Physics and in 1998 B.Sc chemistry was started with Mathematics as subsidiaries. A self financing degree course in mathematics was started on 2005 CURRICULAM The university of Calicut has introduced Choice based credit semester system CCSS for U G programmes from 2009 admission onwards. The entire course of study and examinations be divided in to six semesters in a period of three years The department offers under graduate programme with Mathematics as the core subject and Statistics and Computer applications as complimentary. FACULTY At present there is only one permanent teacher and four guest lecturers working in this department. The details are as follows Thomas Mathew M.Sc Associate Professor & HOD of Mathematics Smt Divya P K M.Sc Guest lecturer, Mathematics Smt Meena T P M.Sc Guest lecturer, Mathematics Smt. Lasna T N M.Sc Guest lecturer, Statistics Smt. Aswathy K. MSc Guest lecturer, Computer Applications Strength {sanctioned,24 seats} First yr. 2011-2014 21 Second yr 2010-2013 19 Third yr 2009-2012 21 Fee schedule Year Tuition fee Special fee Exam fee Caution deposit Total fee First year 4800 1200 400 1000 7500 Second year 4800 1200 385 —— 6385 Third year 4800 1200 200 ——- 6200 Result Analysis 58% of the first batch (2005-2008) students were passed in the university examinations scoring individually more than 85% marks. Divya TK 93% was the topper For the second batch (2006-2009) there was 100% result in the university examination. Karthika (88%marks) was the topper. In 2007-2010, there were 19 students appeared for the final year examination. Five of them scored above 70% marks. Vijitha (79%) was the top scorer.Out of the 22 students of 2008-2011, 82% passed in the University Examination. Seven students got above 80% marks. Amitha Ashraf was the top scorer with 82% of marks.At present there are 21 students completed their fifth semester examination We are expecting 100% result. Innovative practises B.Sc Mathematics students have computer applications as one of their complementary subject.The Department and the selected mathematics students provides a service to give 100% computer literacy in the campus. A four hours package of basic computer knowledge by using the facilities of the Net Work Resource Centre will help the students.
HISTORY OF THE DEPARTMENT The department started when the college was started in the year 1981. There was only one pre-degree class with 80 students. There was only pre-degree course in the department until 1992 in which year the course was sanctioned to the college. The Pre-degree course was detached from the department in the year 2000 as a policy of the then State Government. In the academic year 2002-03, a computer lab was set up in the department as a measure to provide practical knowledge in computers to B.Com. Students. The Course started in the year 2001 with Marketing as the specialization. There were 12 students admitted in the beginning year and in 2004 the student strength increased to 16 The Department had conducted a two day National Seminar on “Prospects of Eco Tourism in the Tourism Industry in India”, sponsored by the UGC in September 2008
PROFILE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS BRIEF HISTORY OF THE DEPARTMENT : Mar Thoma College was established in 1981 October 28. Pre-degree with Economics,Psychology and Indian History was started in 15th December 1982 B.A Economics was started in 8th December 1995. M.A Economics with Computer Applicatrion and Research Methodology was started in 27th November 2004. Pre- Degree first batch appeared for examinations in March 1984. B.A first batch appeared for examinations in March 1998. Prof: Abraham .P.Mathew and Prof:Susan Mathews joined the college as permanent faculty members in 15th December 1982. Dr. C . Krishnan joined as a faculty member of the department in 1995. Rev.A.T.Zachariah joined the department as a faculty member of History in 1983. Dr. C.Krishnan left the department in 2001. Prof:Susan Mathews retired the department in 2010. Prof:Abraham P.Mathew(Head of the Department) promoted as Principal in 1st April 2011. Mr.Vinod Kumar,Binu Abraham,Biji Abraham,Mrs.Reji P.R , Mrs. Prameela K, Mrs.Rincy Mathew, Mrs. Sajitha Mohan, Mr. Subash V.P Mr. Binu Paul , Mr.Linu Skaria and Mrs.Rekha served as Guest Lecturers in the Department. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE DEPARTMENT In line with the vision of the College, the Department is to provide quality higher education to all irrespective of Caste,Creed or Gender.It also envisages empowering the students through training , research and extention activities . The major objectives are follows; To provide education and training in subjects like Economics , Social Psychology and Indian history. To develop a good Department Library and Reading room with modern techniques. To conduct Seminar at regional and national level to discuss current issues. To undertake various extention activities for the development of the Department. To develop skill,attitude band analytical mind in research related to socio – economic problems. To undertake students development schemes in association with governmental and Non-governmental agencies . COURSES OFFERED: Undergraduate Programme: BA Economics with Social Psychology and Modern Indian History as Complimentary Courses Postgraduate Programme: MA Economics (Self Financing) with Business Economics and Research Methodology & Computer Application as specialization. TEACHING FACULTY : ECONOMICS Prof. ABRAHAM P MATHEW, M.A, M.Phil (HOD & Principal) Mr.SUBRAHMANIAN P.V ,M.A, B.Ed (Guest Lecturer) Mr.BASHEER . P , M.A , B.Ed (Guest Lecturer) Mr.PRADEEP A. S ,M.A (Guest Lecturer) Mrs.ANILA RAVEENDRAN ,M.A , B.Ed (Guest Lecturer) Mrs. JASNA B . A , M. A, B.Ed (Guest Lecturer) PSYCHOLOGY Smt.SUSAN MATHEWS .P (Guest Lecturer) HISTORY Smt.SABNA . M, M. A , B. Ed (Guest Lecturer)
College Under Re-accreditation Process
College is preparing for the NAAC Re-Accreditation for the first time.
Alumni Meet - 2012 on 11 March (3pm)
A get together of the College Alumni will be held on 11th March 2012 at 3pm
Terminal examinations and continuous international evaluation are conduct