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Mar Thoma College, Chungathara was established on October 28, 1981 by the Mar Thoma Church, under the able leadership of the great visionary, Rt. Rev. Easow Mar Timotheos Episcopa with the great motto, “Let Your Light Shine”. It is an institution for Rural Development, since it was established in an educationally, socially and financially backward area. The College always tried to uphold the noblest Christian ideals and offered its services to the members of every religion, caste and community. The College seeks to mould the minds of young men and women by developing their physical, intellectual, artistic, moral and spiritual abilities and powers. It strives to impart quality education without distinction of caste, colour or creed. The college aims for the enlightenment and well-being of all.

“Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works and glorify your
Father in Heaven” (Matt: 5:16)

The Logo of the institution symbolizes the high ideals it stands for. The map of our motherland with a lamp burning at the top is the lamp of wisdom disseminating its rays to all parts of the nation. At the centre we find an open book, the Holy Bible; which says “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. Touching the open Holy Bible is the Cross, which stands for sacrifice and self denial for the benefit of humanity. the importance of science and technology in curriculum is depicted by the conical flask and the round bottomed flask; while the dashing athlete stands for physical fitness essential for the holistic development of each person.

Mission Statement

Mar Thoma College, Chungathara was established on October 28, 1981 by the Mar Thoma Church, under the able leadership of the great visionary, Rt. Rev. Easow Mar Timotheos Episcopa with the great motto, “Let Your Light Shine”. It is an institution for Rural Development, since it was established in an educationally, socially and financially backward area. The College always tried to uphold the noblest Christian ideals and offered its services to the members of every religion, caste and community. The College seeks to mould the minds of young men and women by developing their physical, intellectual, artistic, moral and spiritual abilities and powers. It strives to impart quality education without distinction of caste, colour or creed. The collegeaims for the enlightenment and well-being of all.


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