College Union
The college union comprises all students on the rolls. Those who are on the rolls at the time of election notification shall have the right to vote and contest in the election to the college union council. The college union council comprises the following office bearers.
- The Chairman
- The vice Chairman
- The Secretary
- The joint secretary
- Councillor to the universityunion
- The Secretary, Fire Arts.
- The Chief Student Editor to the college Magazine
- General Captain (Sports and games)
- The Secretary of each of the various (Main Subject wise) associations
- Year Representatives of I DC, II DC, III DC and P.G
- The Staff Advisor nominated by the Principal
- The vice Chairmanship and the Joint Secretaryship are reserved for Ladies; the number of councilors is only one from our college.
Our college has introduced parliamentary system of election from this year. In this, election shall be held in two phases by using secret ballots in each phase. class representatives are elected in the Ist phase. Two class representatives are elected form each UG class. It will be one boy and one girl. It can be two girls but never be two boys. Only one representative shall be elected from a PG Class. If the number of girls is more than 50 % in a P.G. Class that seat shall be reserved for girls.
In the 2nd Phase, college union office beares, Associations secretaries and year representatives shall be elected form the elected class representatives.