Anti Ragging
Anti Ragging Committee
An anti-ragging committee is formulated as per the “UGC Regulations on curbing the menace of ragging in higher educational institutions, 2009” and as per UGC Act of 1956-[Clause(g) of Sub Section (I) of Section 26] with a wider participation. The composition being;
F Prof. Abraham P Mathew (Principal)
F Sub Inspector of Police, Edakkara
F Mr. Suresh, Mathrubhumi (Media)
F Mr. Josephkunju (NGO)
F Prof. Thomas Mathew (Faculty Member)
F Prof. Susan Chacko (Lady Faculty Member)
F Mr. M.M. John (PTA Vice President)
F Mr. V.M. John (Superintendent)
F Mr. Sanu (College Union Chairman)
F Mr. Sachin T Oommen (Representative of freshers)
F Ms. Kiran Shaji ( Representative of Senior Students)
As per the mandatory direction of the University Grants Commission, we have incorporated the anti-ragging directions of the Central Government in our prospectus. From the academic year, 2013-14 onwards, an undertaking from students and parents (Annexure -I) was collected at the time of admission.
Anti Ragging Squad
An Anti ragging squad has been constituted to monitor the incidents (if any) of ragging in the campus. The composition of the Squad is
- Principal
- All Heads of Departments
- IQAC Coordinator
- Office Superintendent
- College Union Chairman
Students’ Mentoring Cell
A students’ mentoring cell is constituted. It consists of senior students volunteering to be mentors for fresher students, in proportion with the number of freshers. Anti ragging awareness seminars are also conducted, in association with the Nilambur Taluk Legal Services Authority. Our students participated in University level Legal Awareness Classes.