



Calicut university has taken a decision to introduce a compulsory social service scheme to all degree students under this university. Under the scheme, all students who are completing their under graduate course must undergo atleast 42 days social service. The main objective of the scheme is to see that the higher education is accomplishing its social obligation. So it intends to develop a social outlook and voluntariness for service among students. The new generation has to be trained in such a way that they are capable of showing social awareness, and commitment towards society. They should be trained to take up challenging social assignments. They must realise the realities of life, the miseries and hardships of common people through the social service activities. This knowledge cannot be gained through classrooms C.S.S.Scheme is a pre-requisite for the award of the first degree in the university. The programme will be distributed through the entire period of the course, normally 14 days in each academic year for the 3-year degree course and is expected to complete 42 days within the 3 year period. The programme was started in the Academic year 2000-01.

In our college the C.S.S unit was started in 2001. Mr. Abraham .P. Mathew, Dept. of Economics is acting as the co-ordinator of the C.S.S.S in the MarThoma College Chungathara and Mrs. Gigi Susan George Dept. of Physics as the Lady Co-Ordinator.





•  Every year after enrolling all the students we arrange a one day orientation programme for the students. In the orientation programme, attention is given to introduce the scheme to the students and also to orient them to under-take various social work and identify themselves with the problems of the society.

•  All the students are directed to take up some work in the college campus and to undertake various social works in association with panchayats, SC&ST Department, forest & environment department and also the N.G.O'S.


Special activities


•  River Bank Protection Programme :- In 2001-02 as a college unit we participated in the river bank protection programme in association with the forest department. Planted thousands of Bamboo plants in the banks of river Punnapuzha and Chaliyar.

•  Literacy Mission Classes:- Hundreds of students participated in the literary mission classes. Some of the students are continuously taking classes for the school children, especially to the SC/ST students and thus prevent dropouts from the school.

•  Legal Services :-

Under the C.S.S scheme students take part in the activities of the state legal services authority in declaring the Chaliyar Panchayat as litigation free panchayat. C.S.S volunteers were the main organizer of the programme visiting homes of the people in that area. All the students participated in various programmes like, literary mission, health education, tuition classes, Panchayat development activities etc.


When the �Dengue fever' and other vector borne viral disease became widely spread in the Nilambur Taluk, the college C.S.S after getting proper training from the IMA Doctors, went to the houses of the people of the affected area. They distributed to the people printed notices containing information regarding the disease and how to prevent its spread. It was an thrilling programme which helped a lot of people to get an understanding about the spreading of the �Dengue' fever. The programme was well appreciated by all. Many students have enrolled their names with the Panchayats and are helping them to implement development schemes. They are also undertaking various programme in association with local clubs and N.G.O'S. This year's schedule started with a one day orientation programme. Every year students are given a Record Book so that they can keep a diary of their activities.